P. Michael Furlong, Andreas Stöckel, Terrence C. Stewart, and Chris Eliasmith. Learned legendre predictor: learning with compressed representations for efficient online multistep prediction. Technical Report, Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience, 08/2022 2022. URL: http://compneuro.uwaterloo.ca/files/publications/furlong.2022a.pdf.
@techreport {furlong2022learned,
title = {Learned Legendre Predictor: Learning with Compressed Representations for Efficient Online Multistep Prediction},
year = {2022},
month = {08/2022},
institution = {Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience},
issn = {CTN-TR-20220814-001},
author={P. Michael Furlong and Andreas St\"ockel and Terrence C. Stewart and Chris Eliasmith},