Trevor Bekolay. A general error-based spike-timing dependent learning rule for the neural engineering framework. Technical Report, Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience, Waterloo, ON, 05/2010 2010.
@techreport {bekolay2010a,
title = {A general error-based spike-timing dependent learning rule for the Neural Engineering Framework},
year = {2010},
month = {05/2010},
institution = {Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience},
address = {Waterloo, ON},
abstract = {Previous attempts at integrating spike-timing dependent plasticity rules in the NEF have met with little success. This project proposes a spike-timing dependent plasticity rule that uses local information to learn transformations between populations of neurons. The rule is implemented and tested on a simple one-dimensional communication channel, and is compared to a similar rate-based learning rule.},
issn = {CTN-TR-20100803-006},
author = {Trevor Bekolay},
pdf = {}