Here are links to some of the different arm models that we've been working with, in Matlab.

Matlab simulations

This is a 6 muscle, 3 link arm model simulation for Matlab, developed in MapleSim5. The muscles are an implementation of Hill's muscle model, and the model measurements are from the paper 'On control of reaching movements for musculo-skeletal redundant arm model' by K.Tahara et al.

All necessary files to run in Matlab are included. The files were compiled for a 64-bit system. To run on a 32-bit system, recompile the model using the modelGen.m file. The model currently only runs on PCs. To run, open the 'run' file and hit 'F5'. The number keys will activate/deactivate muscles, and the letters beneath will reset the activation level to 0. Please contact me (Travis) if you have any questions or would like the corresponding MapleSim files. The files are open for sharing and modification, but shout outs are appreciated.

3 Link 6 Muscle Arm Matlab code